Easiest Way To Get New Friends Starting From Scratch

First off...
This is totally a sales page for my social circle maker video program...but if you are looking to meet new people the fastest easiest way possible...and quickly turn them into friends, dates, business connections, and other deeper relationships...you might want to keep reading.
Moving on.
If you are a social person but are frustrated with how the social scene has changed and can’t seem to meet new people…
Or if you have recently become single, spent a lot of time at the office or playing video games, or have moved to a new city and are having a hard time getting the social life you want…
Then make sure you read this entire article right now because…
In just a moment, I am going to share with you the proven 3-Step system I use every time I move to a new city to:
Get high-quality friends
Get a group of people to hang out with any night of the week
Get plugged into the social scene to easily get more dates and business connections
The great thing about this system is that anyone can learn and use it. There are no missing pieces. Everything is laid out step by step. And once you learn it, you will be able to…
Build An In-Person Face-To-Face Social Life From The Ground Up
You’re going to know how to find piles of high quality people who are already looking for you
You’re going to know how to go out alone without going out alone
You’re going to know how to make people open up and like you right away
You’re going to know how to start conversations and keep them going the easy way
You’re going to know how to get people to hand you their number with little effort
And you’re going to know how to turn these people into friends, dates, and business connections
Look, if you’re frustrated that your social life has been turned upside down on you (even if you are already a very social person), but don’t know exactly where to find new people, what to do, or what to say…
Then you’ll want to read every word on this page…
Because this system is a proven path to finding the people who WANT to spend time with you. Who WANT to go out to dinner, take trips, and have great conversations with you.
Now before we go any further, there is one thing I want you to understand:
I don’t believe in any kind of gimmicky strategies or tricks that only get short-term results. That’s why…
The System You’re About To Learn Is Probably Not Like Anything Else You’ve Seen Or Tried
What I teach is based on fundamental and proven principles bundled up in a complete system, rather than standalone ideas and tactics.
Just go online and you will find all kinds of “Gurus” teaching conversation tips, dating advice, or other social skills, but no one wraps it up into a complete system.
Most of those “gurus” just toss a bunch of random ideas at you and say, “figure it out”. And that is why they disappear as soon as they show up.
I’ve always been one to focus on systems that work for the long term.
Taking this approach has really paid off for me in my social life, and I think it will for you too.
Especially when you consider the astonishing results this system has produced…
The 100-Person Social Circle in 90 Days System
Yes, that’s a real number and that’s how much the system I’m about to share with you has generated for my social life.
Since my son’s stepdad is in the military, I’ve had to move to a new city 5 times in the past 12 years.
With each move, I lost friends, lovers, fiancés, business networks, and my entire social life.
With each move, I had to build my social life over starting from scratch.
Out of sheer desperation I did everything I could to figure this social life thing out. I couldn’t stand being lonely and having no friends…or at the very least…an acquaintance to talk to.
Fast-forward to today and I own and run one of the largest social groups in my city throwing events for large groups of people. I have more friends, dates, business connections, and social interactions than my schedule can handle.
I don’t tell you this to brag. In fact, I naturally tend to keep most of my accomplishments private.
But it is important that you know I have been very successful (and made a lot of friends and other connections) – and that I’ve developed real systems that work extremely well for me, continue to work, and I think it can help you, too.
It is also important that you know I had to learn everything myself. To achieve these results and develop this system, I had to invest a substantial amount of time, energy, effort, and money.
That’s because when I first started, like most people…
I Used To REALLY Struggle To Make Friends Because I Didn’t Know Where To Go Or What To Say
Before I developed the system I’m about to share with you, I used to have a really hard time figuring out where to go and what to say…
In fact, the first couple of times I moved to a new city, I was jumping from one “social guru” to another trying to figure this thing out. I tried every idea I could find.
The one thing that always stopped me was figuring out where to go and what to say.
Often times I would spend several months just going out alone to different bars and other random places hoping to meet new people.
The only problem was that I spent a lot of time approaching random strangers I had no business talking to in the first place…and trying to turn them into friends.
I always felt “awkward” invading other people like that.
It wasn’t until I learned a very important lesson about how the social scene “really” works, (which led me to create the system I’m about to share with you), that things started taking off and I started meeting and connecting with more people than my schedule could handle…
The 7-Year Lesson That Got Me A 100-Person Social Circle Starting From Scratch
After my first move, I decided to do whatever it took to figure this social life thing out once and for all.
I knew that other people have built their social life starting from scratch (and if they could do it, I could do it), I just knew there HAD TO BE A WAY
The only problem is I didn’t know where to begin!
I knew there were people out there who would love to meet me and eventually become my friend and more.
So I decided to go and build my social life, but things didn’t work out that well because…
My First Attempt To Make New Friends Was A Disaster
I remember after sitting alone binge-watching shows and playing video games feeling crazy lonely…I forced myself to go out.
I drove to the local bar scene and told myself I was going to make a friend.
I walked into the first bar I saw, had a few drinks and looked around for who I was going to talk to.
I eventually found a group of people that didn’t look too intimidating…in fact they kind of looked like me.
So, I decided that I was going to finish my drink, walk up to them, and make friends.
I set my glass on the bar, walked over to them, and just as I opened my mouth to say hello, I turned to the left, walked out the door, got in my car, and drove home.
I felt like an absolute loser.
I couldn’t even talk to people. I didn’t know what to say.
After I stopped beating myself up, I decided to go out again the next night and do a better job.
The next night was better. I went out, walked up to the first person I saw, talked to them, and got their number.
I felt like I had conquered the world. I was on fire. I felt like a god because I had talked to a stranger and got their number.
And you can probably guess what happened next…
…That person didn’t answer or return my calls.
What was I doing wrong?
All I wanted was to meet some cool people and turn them into my friends.
The Big “Aha” That Got Me More Friends, Dates, And Business Connections Than I Could Handle
After failing over and over again, I decided to give up on trying to make friends and deep relationships.
I decided to just settle for shallow simple interactions and meet as many people as I could without the pressure of turning them into something more.
And that is when it happened!
All of the sudden, people started connecting with me faster and deeper.
It was at this point that I realized…
It wasn’t about going out and trying to make a friend, get a date, or make a business connection in one shot. It was all about getting many people into my social circle first.
This is a very different approach, and somewhat counter-intuitive…
As soon as I figured that out, it took all the pressure off.
I didn’t have to go out and turn a random stranger into a friend overnight. All I had to do was gather people into my social circle and friendships, dates, and business connections automatically started to form.
So, I started figuring out all the best ways to build my social circle as fast as I could.
And guess what?
I Had More People Asking Me To Hang Out Than My Schedule Could Handle
I would go out and meet 10 people in one night.
I found myself going out to dinner with large groups of people and having great conversations.
I even ended up taking trips and traveling to cool places with them.
I constantly had people calling and asking me if I could come hang out with them.
And I ended up turning many of these people into friends, dates, and business connections.
The Biggest Mistake Almost All People Make When Building Their Social Circle (And How You Can Avoid It)
Look around and you will see that 90% of the people looking for friends, dates, or business connections are trying to do it in “one shot”.
They are trying to meet a stranger and turn them into something much deeper immediately.
This almost never works because true connections and bonding takes a little time (not too much), but it takes a little time.
That is why you need to work on your social circle first.
The people in your social circle will automatically get turned into your friends and deeper connections.
These Days, People Don’t Want To “Let You In” Right Away…
Thanks to technology, people are a not as trusting as they used to be.
The reality is, it takes longer to get people to open up to you these days.
In the past, you could easily make friends with the people in your neighborhood, the people you went to school with, and the people you worked with.
Then came online social networks…
Facebook, Instagram…
And so on…
This created a kind of “fast food” version of relationships. With a sense of “something is missing” aspect to it.
We all got used to being able to read deep into a person’s life before actually talking to them. We could just hop online and read their posts, check out their pictures, and form an idea of who they are.
But this lead to all kinds of problems…
For instance, most online social friend profiles are not 100% truthful…
And this has changed the way we all interact in the real world.
Without going into too much detail here, just know that it now takes a little longer to build deeper connections in the real world than it used to…
And that’s ok because…
I’ve Done All The Heavy Lifting For You
After spending over 12 years plugged into different social scenes and creating and running my own social groups, studying the psychology of human social interaction and behavior, and investing over 7500 hours and 1000s of dollars in training and testing to find out what works…
I’ve developed a proven 3-Step “Social Life” System anyone can learn and use to:
Find piles of people who are looking for you that WANT to meet you
Always know how to start conversations, keep them going, and get their phone number
Turn the people in your social circle into friends, dates, and business connections
I have put this system inside a training program I call “Social Circle Maker Method”, and I’d like to share that with you right now…
Introducing: Social Circle Maker Method

The Social Circle Maker Method is a complete video training that teaches the exact 3-Step System I use every time I move to a new city to make friends, get dates, and build business connections – and how you can implement it into your social life.
This is my complete “go to” social life system that I’ve personally used in 4 different cities, and the students I’ve taught it to have used in many others…
If you recently became single after being in a relationship that kept you from your social life…
If you have spent years building your business or career to great heights, and are now ready to take your social life to the next level…
If you have recently moved to a new city where you don’t know anyone yet and want to plug in fast…
If you have spent years of your life leveling-up playing video games and now want to level-up your social life…
Or if you just want to make some new high-quality friends that you can go to dinner with, take trips with, and have great conversations with…
This program is going to show you how to set up a system in your life to deliver you endless new connections you can turn into friends, dates, and business connections.
Social Circle Maker Method Details
The Social Circle Maker Method is a series of 10 training modules taught by me.
Each module contains a video training session along with action steps you will take to build your social circle. Inside, you’ll learn my system and I will walk you through step by step to make sure you implement what you learn and build your social life as you complete each video.
In other words, I won’t just be teaching you, I’ll be guiding you through ALL the steps you will need to take to get the social life you want. I will take you from the high level strategies all the way down to the exact words you need to say to build your social circle fast.
You’ll also get detailed PDF summaries of each section in case you learn better by reading, or to quickly reference the training later.
You will also, get a complete exercise packet containing all the steps in one place. This packet will also contain the “Conversation Material Generators” which allow you to have all your conversation material ready before you even leave your home.
NOTE: This Program is 100% digital so you get immediate access to the training when you sign up.
Here’s Just A Small Glimpse Of What You’ll Learn Inside
The 3 Specific Steps to Build Your Social Circle Starting From Scratch
My simple formula for how to find piles of people who are already looking to meet you
The most powerful ways to instantly connect with other people and get them to trust you and open up to you right away
How to install an automatic conversation machine right inside your head so you will always know how to start conversations and keep them going
My methods for getting people to hand you their number and invite you to their parties and gettogethers
My tips for how to go out alone without going out alone and having other people introduce you to each other when you first meet them.
How to use the structure of humor to get others to like you and respect your strength
The exact words to say to make other people feel like you get them so they feel a deeper connection to you
How to handle the dreaded “small talk” situations that always seem to come up
How to test people right from the start so you can decide if you want them in your life or not
How to eliminate rejection when approaching new people
Ways you can get people to beg you to hang out
How to eliminate those awkward silent moments that can come up in conversation
7 Conversation Mastery Principles that will amplify ALL your communication
A conversation system that gives you x-ray vision so you can “see” the conversation as it is happening
A 3-part process for introducing yourself to another person and starting a conversation
A 3-part process for getting others to give you their contact information
How to handle people you don’t want to talk to
How to make conversations easy for other people
How to bring dead conversations back to life
How to change directions in the conversation when you don’t know the topic
How to make yourself automatically “feel” excited to meet people when you feel anxious
How to talk about yourself even if you don’t like talking about yourself
How to communicate with others so they feel at ease and safe around you
How to overcome mental blocks that might stop you from building your social circle
And that is only a fraction of what we’re going to cover in “Social Circle Maker Method”.
This training is 10 modules jam packed with me teaching you my complete system. Go through this training today and…
Leverage Over 12 Years Of Research, Testing, And Development, To Get More Friends, Dates, And Business Connections For Your Social Life
If you’re like most people who have been out of the social scene or are just getting into a new one, you don’t have time to waste…
You need to be effective and efficient with your social life. You want to use your valuable time and energy on a strategy that will actually work without having to rely on mind-numbing trial and error. Especially if you want to catch up on lost time.
When you register for Social Circle Maker Method, you’ll get to leverage over 12 years of my experience and the thousands of dollars I’ve spent on training and testing what works – and literally cut your learning curve down by at least half.
This system is proven to work so you can feel confident knowing that you’re following a strategy that will get you results. In fact, I guarantee it.
This Is Not A Regular Social Skills Program…
I won’t be wasting your time with cheap little tips and tricks that float around on their own.
This is a complete system where everything is bundled up together for ease of use and understanding.
This System Will Continue Working Long Into The Future…
What I will be teaching you has proven to work for me time and time again, and will continue to work long into the future.
That is because everything I will be teaching you is based on human psychology which hasn’t changed for 1000s of years.
So unless there is some crazy nuclear meltdown where everyone’s mind gets transformed instantly like some sci-fi movie and changes the way human brains are wired…you won’t need to worry about this system going “out of date”.
The skills you learn in this program will pay off for the rest of your life.
Use This Program For An Entire Year And If You Don’t Start Building Your Social Circle, I Will Give You A Full Refund
I’m so confident that once you start using this system, you’ll get a bigger social circle than you thought was possible, that I’m going to guarantee it.
Here’s my guarantee to you.
When you register for Social Circle Maker Method you’ll have an entire year to go through this training and use the system in your social life.
If you go through all the modules, use all the templates, and do all the exercises and you haven’t seen a dramatic increase in the number of people in your social circle, just send me your completed exercises to show me you did the work, and I’ll give you a full refund.
That’s how confident I am that once you learn this system and apply it to your social life, you’ll start seeing results – and I can’t think of a more fair and reasonable offer than that.
Click the button below and let’s get started today…
See you in the training,

When you purchase Social Circle Maker Method you will also get access my good friend Byron's Conversation Academy video course "Starting Conversations 101".
This course will teach you how to start conversations without being ignored, judged, or rejected. You will be able to naturally introduce yourself to people you don't know without feeling fear or anxiety.
I've added this bonus because lets face it...starting conversations with strangers can be a little nerve wracking. And this program will help take the edge off and make it easy for you.
And the best part about this bonus training, is that it fits right inside the Social Circle Maker Method framework. This means that everything will work together.
You Can Keep The Bonus Even If You Decide To Get Your Money Back!
I wanted to mention that these bonuses really are a free gift to you for purchasing Social Circle Maker Method today.
So even if you decide to get your money back...you can still keep the bonuses for free 🙂
My goal is to do everything in my power to make sure that you get the social life that you want. And if I can't help you with that...I don't deserved to be paid. Plain and simple.
P.S. Remember, Social Circle Maker Method is going to teach you how to build your social circle up from scratch and turn those connections into friends, dates, and business connections...as well as give you the exact words to say to make it all happen step by step.
If you know that you are a person that others should get to know, but aren’t meeting enough people and turning them into deeper connections…
This program is going to teach you a proven 3-Step System to do so – and its guaranteed for up to a year.
You will also get
FREE BONUS: Starting Conversations 101 - $99.97 value
And remember, even if you decide to get your money back, you can still keep the bonus.
If you want to build your social circle and turn those connections into friends, dates, and deeper relationships, then take advantage of this off risk free today...
There is no faster way to get new quality people in your life, eliminate loneliness, and build confidence.
A Glimpes Inside Social Circle Maker Method
Most Important Mindset When Building Your Social Circle...that most people don't know about
From Module 1
The Secret To Making Conversations Effortless
From Module 4
The "Hard Way" To Build Your Social Circle...Don't Do This!
From Module 2
What To Do When People Start Talking About Something You Don't Care Or Know About
From Module 4
Easily Keep Conversations Going Using Conversation Portals
From Module 4
"I met Nick in what I thought was the worst time of my life, he agreed that my situation was tough. I moved to a new town, divorced after twenty two years of marriage, and left with an adopted difficult special needs niece. No, it gets worst. I was also suffering from anxiety associated chronic disorders that made it difficult to master any type of confidence and strength. Financially I was also in bad shape as I kept all the liabilities during my divorce.
Over two years later I am in the right track, great career, found love and we are getting married, my small business and investments are thriving and my social circle is insane. No, good guys don’t have to come last. You can be a good person and come at the place you will be happy at. There are a few steps to achieve your goals and change your attitude towards the world and Nick can help you with that."
- Einar J.
"I definitely learned things that made me think a lot. I feel as though you explain everything you talk about very thoroughly. You take the time which is very important."
- Pamela C.
"I really enjoyed this! Thank you for taking the time. I feel like I'm learning something new every time we meet!"
- Carl M.
"I went through a divorce and I had a really hard time! A few of my girlfriends became distant. I found out that their husbands didn't want them hanging out with a Divorced Woman! That's just crazy! People choose sides, it happens! This program is a great way to meet new people! Thank you!"
- Robin K.
"I appreciate the time and effort you put into helping others overcome their feelings of social anxiety. I have learned a great deal since we began. I just want to say thank you!"
- Evelyn S.
"You're very patient and tolerable. You do a great job keeping in touch!"
- Kristi K.
"I really enjoyed the spin techniques and will definitely be using it. Thanks for what you are doing!"
- Mike G.
"I've been through tons of social skill trainings...and Nick's is by far the best. His way of building your social circle just clicks with me and I really like how he just gets right to the point. No fluff. No complicated processes. Just "do this" and get what you want. I've used his teachings to get better at networking and now I'm able to consistently go out and connect with new people. I highly highly highly recommend his Social Circle Maker Method to anyone looking to build their social circle."
- Byron V.